Friday, November 7, 2008


I am so out of touch.

I never realized how out of touch I am from the rest of the people around me.

Here I am caught up in my own little world.... with my cell phone inbox full and my Dad and friends a little miffed at me for NEVER answering my phone, which, by the way, is a new addition to my life.

Sorry guys.

If you all want directions to Estara-land I can surely them to you. Follow the signs and don't get lost.

I would rather be alone and mind my own business,but then again, I really like being around people. Who doesn't? I need people. I need friends. I just get caught up in my own business. Oh well. I'm not the only one.

P.S. Hope you can get me on my cell-phone for directions to my little world.... he heee :D